I’m not proud of this — but I’ll admit it…. Sometimes when I’m having a 💩 day at work, I can make myself feel a little better by hearing about someone who has (or had) it worse. If you are like me, you don’t have to admit it to anyone, we’ll keep it secret. Maybe you simply enjoy hearing about someone else's misery, I won’t judge; instead, I invite you to pull up a chair and join us live for Network Field Day 27 at 1:30 p.m. Pacific today January 26, 2021
Derick Winkworth (@cloudtoad) is going to share the worst day of his work life; the day he discovered the large financial services company he worked for had been the victim of a major breach. Who doesn’t love a story that starts with, “There I was sitting at my desk minding my own business when I saw my coworker who lives in another state walking towards my desk”? Maybe not Derick, but for the rest of us, it’s riveting!
Derick instantly knew that this unscheduled visit was not a cause for celebration, a feeling that was confirmed when his colleague said, “Hey, bud, I don't know what you're doing right now, but basically, you're not doing that anymore. Your life is over for a long time.”
Derrick will unpack the worst breach he’s experienced and how they resolved it. He’s also going to show how the Forward Networks platform could have saved untold hours by preventing the entire event from ever having happened.
Our theme today is The Power of Network Data! In addition to Derick’s bad day (month really) and how it should have never happened, several of our top engineers and one of our founders will present – we hope to see you there!
The full line up:
You can also join Derick live on February 23, 2022 at 11:00am PST. Derick will be presenting the latest Forward Fix Live on BrightTALK, hosted by Scott Arky, Systems Engineer.