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BLOG | Dec 17, 2024

Forward Networks Recognized as an Outperformer in GigaOm’s 2024 Radar for Network Validation

Forward Networks has been named an Outperformer in the 2024 GigaOm Radar for Network Validation for the third consecutive year. Among 15 vendors, Forward Networks achieved the highest overall score for key features and business criteria, cementing its position as an innovator and leader in the market.
Dawn Slusher
Dawn Slusher Senior Manager, Content Marketing and Analyst Relations 
Who should read this post?
  • Network Administrators and IT Professionals looking to enhance network security, compliance, and operational efficiency.
  • Enterprise Leaders and Decision-Makers managing complex multi-vendor, hybrid-cloud environments who want to streamline network validation processes.
  • Technology Enthusiasts and Innovators interested in cutting-edge solutions like digital twin technology and AI-driven network automation.
What is covered in this content?
  • Forward Networks’ recognition as an Outperformer in the 2024 GigaOm Radar for Network Validation and its leadership in the market.
  • Key platform strengths, including network source of truth, end-to-end validation, and real-time visualization capabilities.
  • How Forward Enterprise helps organizations achieve network reliability, security compliance, and operational agility in today’s complex environments.

Forward Networks has been named an Outperformer in the 2024 GigaOm Radar for Network Validation for the third consecutive year. Among 15 vendors, Forward Networks achieved the highest overall score for key features and business criteria, cementing its position as an innovator and leader in the market.

GigaOm Radar

GigaOm highlights the increasing importance of automated network validation for ensuring business continuity, security compliance, and efficient change management in today’s complex multi-vendor, hybrid-cloud networks. The report recognizes Forward Networks for its advanced capabilities, including:

  • Network Source of Truth: Forward Enterprise provides a unified, vendor-neutral digital twin of the network, delivering instant, searchable insights across on-premises and multi-cloud environments in an intuitive format. Data is delivered in an intuitive manner, empowering even the newest or most junior member of the IT team to glean actionable insights. (View this BrightTALK Session to learn how creating a single source of network truth improved operations for a large federal agency.)
  • End-to-End Validation: The platform performs detailed hop-by-hop path analysis, intent verification, and policy compliance checks while identifying security vulnerabilities to keep hybrid multi-cloud networks robust and secure.
  • Dynamic Network Visualization: Forward Enterprise generates real-time topology diagrams across hybrid environments, giving IT teams unparalleled visibility and actionable insights.
  • Compliance: Forward Enterprise offers continuous compliance verification to ensure companies are in compliance with company policy and regulatory requirements such as STIGs, ECA, GDPR, GLBA, HIPAA, PCI-DSS, and SOX.
  • Security Verification: Forward Enterprise integrates with NIST and vendor vulnerability databases, combining this data with the state and configuration data collected by the platform, combining this data provides operators with an exportable report of CVEs in the network, prioritized by severity and exposure

Download the full GigaOm report to learn why Forward Networks continues to lead the way in network validation and discover how our platform can transform your network management.

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Winner of over 20 industry awards, Forward Enterprise is the best-in-class network modeling software that customers trust

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Forward Enterprise is a game-changer

From Fortune 50 institutions to top level federal agencies, users agree that Forward Enterprise is unlike any other network modeling software

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