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Posts tagged with: azure

How to Prevent Expensive Cloud Routing Surprises With Proactive Intent Verification

A six-figure surprise is awesome when it’s a lottery win. It’s not so awesome when it’s the “Amount Due” appearing in your monthly cloud bill. But enterprises receive these “surprises” all the time, and what can sting even more is trying to explain this preventable expense to management. Inefficient (not optimized) traffic routing to and […]

Let There Be Visibility: See Your Entire Cloud Estate in a Single, Normalized View

Do cloud environments really have to be so foggy? Absolutely not. Yet, many enterprises have come to accept that not having full visibility into their cloud estate is just “how it is.” That’s a risky position, as deploying or migrating third-party cloud platforms without a complete view of network traffic patterns can easily lead to […]

De-Risking Network Automation By Integrating with Itential

Today’s networks are too complex for manual network management and updates.  With most enterprises composed of tens of thousands of devices spanning multiple geographical locations, on-premises hardware, Virtual environment, and multiple clouds – it’s virtually impossible to push updates manually.   Also – the sheer volume of vendors and coding languages can be overwhelming for a […]

Moving from Hybrid Cloud to Multi-Cloud with Improved Visualization and Compliance Verification

As more enterprise-class cloud platforms have emerged over the last few years, organizations are looking to leverage these alternatives to take best advantage of each in a multi-cloud IT strategy. The advantages of a multi-cloud strategy can easily include resiliency, price-competitiveness, feature-alignment, and cross-silo visibility.  But with all these advantages comes the complexity of dealing […]

Simplify Network Maintenance and Documentation with Automated Network Mapping

Network complexity has reached nearly unmanageable proportions for most organizations. With thousands of devices, millions of lines of code to configure networks, and constant updates, it has become nearly impossible to track network topology details, let alone network policies, behavior, and capabilities end-to-end. The result is a network infrastructure that is resistant to change and […]

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