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Posts tagged with: bod-23-1

Navigating fed cybersecurity: Strategies to achieve network compliance

As cyberattacks have intensified in volume and sophistication, the need for more prescriptive guidance is clear. Initiatives like Executive Order 14028 and CISA’s Binding Operational Directive 23-1 have heightened scrutiny and accountability for security leaders tasked with ensuring network security and compliance. This guidance helps government entities and private sector organizations navigate the threat landscape and improve […]

Forward Networks added to CDM Approved Product List

Cybersecurity is front and center as part of our national defense strategy. Civilian networks responsible for life-sustaining services such as water and power must be protected with the same vigor as networks that host sensitive data. To accomplish this the Department of Homeland Services developed the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program in 2012. CDM […]

Data Driven Compliance

Security has been a top concern for years, and the reasons for this focus are increasingly clear. Government agencies are being asked by the President and governing agencies to make changes that will protect the integrity of their network and the safety of the nation. Most recently, the Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency (CISA) issued […]

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