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Posts tagged with: graphql

Query Your Network like a Database

As companies are trying to become more agile to provide new services to their customers at a faster pace, more and more of them are embracing Network Automation in some shape or form. Network Automation can be very powerful, but it comes with a price: it’s frighteningly dangerous! A mistake in the automation toolchain can […]

Network Query Engine: Automate Network Health Checks in Minutes

Last month we introduced our Network Query Engine (NQE) at Cisco Live Europe and to a very impressive technical audience as part of Tech Field Day 2019. If you didn’t have the chance to read through our introduction blog, NQE leverages the internal network data model that Forward Networks builds and manages to allow users to query their network infrastructure details like a database. Learn more in this blog post.

Query Your Network Like a Database to Gain Knowledge and Simplify Operations

Network Query Engine (NQE) takes configuration files and state information from across all your network devices and exposes it in a well-defined schema that can be queried like a database - to enable a new range of network management capabilities and insights. Read on to see how it works and how you can get started with it, today.

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