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Posts tagged with: network-path

Bring a Healthy Dose of Skepticism ….. Please

We are asked to purchase something 4,000 times every day; that’s roughly once every 13 seconds during our waking hours. These “requests to purchase'' often come in the form of marketing messages that test the bounds of credibility. In the software industry, most of us have trained ourselves to question vendor promises vociferously. And vendors […]

How to Prevent Expensive Cloud Routing Surprises With Proactive Intent Verification

A six-figure surprise is awesome when it’s a lottery win. It’s not so awesome when it’s the “Amount Due” appearing in your monthly cloud bill. But enterprises receive these “surprises” all the time, and what can sting even more is trying to explain this preventable expense to management. Inefficient (not optimized) traffic routing to and […]

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