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Posts tagged with: packet-pushers

Does intent-based marketing really suck?

Last week, on February 8, 2019, Packet Pushers published our second podcast with them covering a range of customer use case updates and new features like our Network Query Engine (NQE), VMware NSX support, Cisco ACI announcement and more. We have always gotten great feedback on our shows with Greg and Ethan, and find their audience to be one of the most savvy and technical groups out there. Quite coincidently, we were surprised that Drew Conry-Murray from the Packet Pushers team also published a blog last week titled, “Intent-based Marketing Sucks”. Since many in the industry consider us one of the leaders in intent-based networking, we thought it was an odd prelude to our upcoming podcast release.

A Better Way to Document Your Network Topology than Visio

Yesterday, Brandon Heller and I recorded a podcast with Ethan Banks and Greg Ferro of Packet Pushers fame. Ethan had a great line, that Visio is the "single source of the way the network looked at some point in time". Which was humorous and insightful enough that he tweeted it out. Then all sorts of hilarity ensued.

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